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Home Roasted Eggplant

Roasted Eggplant

product name: Frozen Grilled Eggplant
Product Description: Grilled eggplant, peeled and chopped.

Species eggplant roomy:

 Freezing process: fast freezing

Color: Same as the natural color of eggplant

Taste: The delicious natural taste of fresh roasted eggplant with a wonderful smell of grilling

Fuel used in the grilling process: Clean natural gas leaves no residue in the final product

Storage: conditions at -18 °C The shelf life is 18 months for the frozen and 24 months for the glass or tin can

Allowances: – Loss of water after freezing 10% max Brown peel with a maximum of 2 * 5 ml

every 1 kg


This product does not contain allergens in accordance with EU Regulation 2011/1169 and its amendments This product does not contain any genetically modified substances Chemical Specifications

PH: 5.5-6 Pesticide residue complies with current

limit of EU

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